Sunday, January 26, 2020

Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory

Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory The microsystem is the most influential system because the child has direct interaction with these individuals; that interaction occurs on a consistent basis over an extended period of time (Brofenbrenner, 2004). Family is the most significant relationship of the microsystem; they play an intricate part in the ecological human development. The most time is spent at home with the family; they provide shelter and safety, and also provide emotional support for the child. The parent for example, interacts with the child on a daily basis, they provide a safe and healthy relationship and an environment for them to grow and prosper. The way the parent plays with the child, teaches them, and communicates with them has a lot of influence on their development. The parenting style a child receives paves the way in their ability to communicate with others, their self-esteem, and the attitude and behaviors they exude. The main parenting styles are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and non-involved. The authoritarian parent is strict and demanding; this creates a child that grows up to behave withdrawn, fearful, and distrustful of others. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the permissive parent. The child raised in a permissive household is more likely to be aggressive, impulsive, and have little self-reliance. The healthy balance between the two styles is the authoritative parent who raises a content, cooperative, and self-reliant child (Berns, 2010). The parent gives the child the ability to create secure attachments with others and to have a healthy and positive disposition. The emotional connectivity of this relationship is a direct reflection of a childs ability to connect and communicate with all other systems. Parenting styles are not the only ways that family can influence development; family structure also has a great impact. The nuclear family consists of a mom, a dad, and the children, but not all households are structured this way. Divorce is an unfortunate reality in this day and age and the adaptation plays a large role for the child. Not only does the child not get to live in a household that has both parents which provides a healthy surrounding and assures the child of love, but they may have to listen to the consequences of how each parent deals with the divorce itself. Counseling, mediation, custody battles, and fighting are all situations that the child may be surrounded by. The financial consequences will affect the family and the child would not live in the same lifestyle as they would if both parents were together because the income would be cut in half. Peers, community, and schools also affect the child. The peer groups help the child gain independence and discover their sense of self. Negative experiences with peers such as bullying can hurt the childs self-esteem, affect how they interact with their others, and their ability to communicate and socialize with their peers with ease. School is another very important relationship. This gives the child a chance to learn the fundamentals needed as an adult and to help them develop different skills and appropriate behavior. Every child learns differently; they may be an auditory, visual, spatial, or kinesthetic learner. It is the teacher and schools responsibility to discover this and take the best course of action to implement and teaching style that works best for the child. The second system that influences development is the mesosystem. Mesosystems may be described a links in a chain. They consist of linkages and interrelationships that exist between two or more of the individuals microsystems. These interrelationships involve a variety of settings that the child is immersed in; the influences that bind us together (Feldman, 2008). Examples of this system may be the linkage between family and peers, family and school, school and community, and so on. Schooling is the perfect example of the mesosystems linkage between family and school. The more involved the parent is with the childs school, increases the likelihood of that child excelling in school, receiving higher grades, and attending college in the future. The involvement that the family has with the childs learning before they enter school creates a positive attitude towards their future learning. When it comes to the childs relationship with school, the more perceptive that the family and teachers are in their learning with affect their educational experience. They will learn how to complete tasks, problem solve, and understand rewards and consequences. There is also an important linkage between school and the community. Higher funded schools have more resources available to students; these resources extend the learning process. More books, informative television programs and movies, supplies, crafts, and the ability to go on field trips may provide a more stimulating environment and positive outlook on a childs involvement and learning at school. Community support and donations can help increase learning in the classroom. The exosystem is the third system of Bronfenbrenners theory of human development. These influences are indirect; the child itself is not an active participant, however it does have an impact on an active member of  their microsystem. This may consist of the parents career or financial situation, political systems, social support networks, etcetera. As stated above, exosystems have an indirect affect on the child through career, their socioeconomic status, or the government. A parents socioeconomic status affects the child because they may not have the means to purchase educational materials or live in a nice home, if they have a home at all. Children born into poverty statistically have lower self-esteem, are less likely to excel in school or are more likely to drop out, and they are more susceptible to violence and crime. A parents job may also influence a child indirectly. A parent that has to travel a lot for work or stay late hours must place their child in non-parental child care. Different forms of this non-parental care will affect that child differently. There are child care centers, family day cares, and in-home care of a nanny that may be used to watch over the children. The accreditations are different for each type, and there are different programs, such as health, nutrition, and learning programs. Although there are many different options that the family has when they do not have the ability to stay at home with the child, but it is still no substitute for being cared for by their parent. Although sometimes a parent has no choice but to place their child in a day care program, there can be some developmental consequences to this. The child will be able to socialize with peers more easily, but they tend to be less cooperative and unresponsive with adults. The longer the child stays in non-parental care, the more likely they are to develop insecure attachments, are at risk for problems with emotions and in behavior. They are also more likely to be aggressive and defiant. The final system involved is the macrosystem. This system is societal and has a larger context involved in culture. This type of system influences the developing child in a much broader context; the beliefs of the family and their lifestyle, education, religion, and mass media. What society places as the social norms, expected roles, and what a relationship is supposed to look like. Macrosystem influences come from cultural views in society. Views of roles, such as gender roles, have a set of associated behaviors that are expected in that individual. A boy must be a strong provider and shouldnt cry, or a girl should be a nurturer and domesticated are examples of these gender roles inflicted on society. Different values and lifestyle are also a large influence to that child. Believing in the necessity of owning a large home, having expensive cars, or that as adults, they need to be married with a white picket fence and 2.5 children. Morals and values stem from the familys beliefs and religious law; although sometimes the religious laws coincide with federal. Religions such as Catholicism, Lutheranism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Atheism, are all extremely different from one another and go along a different belief system with different sets of values which influence the individual. Children that grow up believing in some form of Christianity may have different values than a child that grew up in an Atheist household. Mass media and culture are intertwined, but the influence of media is widespread and comes in a variety of forms; screen media, print media, audio media, and interactive media. Media influences value, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior explains Berns (2010, pg 321). At least one form of media can be found basically anywhere and is used to communicate and spread information to a large group of people simultaneously. Screen media that comes in television form spreads so quickly and easily influences young and impressionable minds. In some respects the exposure can be a good thing; it is mentally stimulating, can be educational and useful in a classroom to help students understand information in a different way. Programs for younger children such as Dora the Explorer and Blues Clues are a great way to teach young children colors, numbers, mathematics, and linguistics. Unfortunately there are downsides to this. Not all programs are suitable for young children; they may contain graphic viol ence, foul language, and sexually explicit material that is inappropriate for this age group. This information can ingrain the idea of what life should be like or how the child should behave, this sets up negative associations and roles. Violent and graphic material could result in negative behaviors such as aggression or bullying others, it may also cause the childs imagination to run wild which may be scary, exciting, or intimidating for the child. Too much time in front of the television, or focused on any type of media really, can take away from time spent with the family and engaging in family activities, or it can also affect physical activity. Print media is found in books, newspapers, magazines, and articles. Print media is beneficial because it enhances language and reading skills, it helps with comprehension, and overall cognitive development. Children may understand the sense of who they are because of all the stories and tales they read. A downside to this is that the ch ild may confuse negative actions and material with reality and fantasy. Just as with screen media, print, audio, and interactive media instill the ideas behind different stereotypes; this can be a major concern for problems in the future and self-esteem. Overall between all forms of media there are positives and negatives. They increase cognitive functioning and development, but children are impressionable and graphically violent and sexually explicit material is not good for young children and should be monitored by the parent. It is now apparent that ecological systems affect development Urie Bronfenbrenner was correct in his theory of the bioecological model of human development. There is significant data to show how influential the four systems influence a child. The microsystem consists of close intimate relationships of those in direct contact with the child; they are involved on a consistent basis and appear to be the most influential relationship. Family, peers, school, and the community are all examples of a microsystem. They all have a large impact on the childs socialization skills. Because a child spends so much time with their parents, this is the foundation for success. Teaching their children early what behaviors are acceptable or not, having a comforting and balanced parenting style will really help the child be cooperative, self-reliant, and content. Placing a strong focus on the importance of academics will help the child to succeed in school, also choosing the correct school to help the st udent learning in an environment suitable for their needs. Peers have a massive impact on the childs communication and interaction with others so its important that the parent keep positive influences around that child. The microsystem is the primary system of influence so keeping secure, positive, healthy relationships will help the childs development as they begin to feel the effects of the other systems. Like the links in a chain, the mesosystem combines the importance of the  impact that the microsystems have on each other. Just as school and family influence a child, the relationships between the two systems also have a direct impact on the child. This does not only consist of the two relationships, but all relationships in the microsystem. The indirect affect of the exosystem, such as the stressors of a parents career, will have its own impact. Long hours at the job can result in the child being enrolled in some sort of non-parental child care. The type of care provided coul d benefit the child in their education and learning skills, but may also have a negative impact on their emotional comfort and attachment caused by the lack of the parent being around. Finally, the macrosystem is the combination of culture, religion, mass media, and other influences that are widespread. Mass media has many benefits to the childs development. Media is mentally stimulating, it can increase imagination, and teach the child different skills such as language, communication, mathematics, colors, and other skills. Parents do need to monitor the media that a child does interact with. The graphic violence and sexually explicit material can be damaging for young and influential minds. They can create different stereotypes that can affect the way the child socializing with others, or their sense of self. The more time spent around different forms of media can take away from the quality time spent with the family, and can decrease the amount of physical activity for the child. Overall, the four different systems involved in Bronfenbrenners bioecological model of human development massively impact the socialization and cognitive development of a child.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Management of a Business †New Belgium Brewery Essay

Operations Management, Employee Ownership, and Leadership Provided by Management I would describe the operations management at New Belgium Brewing to be very well run. Founder, Jeff Lebesch, and co-founder, Kim Jordan, implemented an open-management system in 1996. This means that employees are directly involved in running the company. Employees are given training so that they understand how all of the financials of the New Belgian Brewery work. Kim believes that understanding the financials helps employees pay closer attention to them. Employee, Doug Miller says, â€Å"Once Kim and Jeff decided to let us all know where everything was going, it made it real important for us to keep count of every keg, any cases that are damaged. You know, it all adds up.† After a year of working for the company, each employee is given a share, and treated as a shareholder. Employees have a say in the overall direction of the company, and they work with the owners, rather than for them. This gives employees a vested interest in seeing the company progress further. The owners see all employee decisions and input as being very important to the success of the company. Chief Financial Officer, Jennifer V. Orgolini says, â€Å"How can you really care about the certain small things that are necessary to be done day in and day out if you don’t have a larger purpose behind them?† Since employees are shareholders, the more profit the company makes, the more their share is worth. This creates an environment of employee-owners that all want to work towards making the company as successful as possible. Employees all work at a similar level in separate, focused departments. Although, some departments needs to report certain things to other people and/or departments, no one in the company has more authority than anyone else. This is known as a decentralized organization, which means that everything is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible. Since employees to do not need to seek approval from managers, they can implement needed changes as quickly as possible. Overall, this system makes for happier, hardworking employees. Co-founder, Kim Jordan says, â€Å"I hear it a lot from customers, people who I’ll run into and say, ‘Wow, I was at your brewery and the vibe there is amazing. You can just tell that people really like being there.'† She also claims that, â€Å"I think that combination of happiness and extending yourself to have real relationships with people and being excellent here at New Belgium really creates a magical vibe.† Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability New Belgium has been working very hard over the last few years to be more environmentally responsible and sustainable. In 2008, the company was used about 158 MJ/hl in energy for the year. By 2011, they dropped that number down to 138 MJ/hl, and hope to drop it to 125 MJ/hl by 2018. The company has done all this by reducing their need for electricity. They have been investing in efficient equipment, installing heat exchangers, and designing their facilities with conservation in mind. In 2010, New Belgium installed a Smart Grid. A Smart Grid allows 2-way communication between the electricity provider and the company. The electricity provider can determine when New Belgium is running a non-essential function, and sends them a notice to turn it off. In January 2010, New Belgium installed solar panels on top of their packaging hall. It produces over 264,000 kWh each year and contributes to over 3% of the company’s total power supply. Both energy saving installations were partially funded by FortZED. New Belgium has an on-site Process Water Treatment Plant The Five Functions of Management The five functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Planning involves deciding what the company’s objectives are and how to accomplish them. Objectives are the desired end results determined by an organization, they derive from the organization’s mission. A mission describes a company’s fundamental purpose and basic philosophy. Meeting objectives involves three types of general plans – strategic, tactical, and operational. Strategic plans establish the long-range objectives of an organizations, as well as the overall strategy or course of action used to fulfill their missions. Strategic plans factor in four things, the organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential opportunities and threats. Strengths are the things that a company does well or the characteristics that give it an important aptitude. Weaknesses are things that a company does poorly with, does not have, or areas where it is at a disadvantage. Opportunities are things found in the external environment of a company that could be beneficial, cause potential growth, or be a source of competitive advantage. Threats are also found in  the external environment, but hold the possibility of causing damage to a company. Tactical Plans are short range and designed to utilize the objectives of the strategic plan. They are meant to help keep the company on the course set in the strategic plan. Tactical plans allow an organization the ability to react to unpredictable changes in the environment, so they must be periodically reviewed and updated by management. Operational Plans are very short term plans that determine what specific work groups, individuals, or departments must accomplish to achieve the goal of a tactical plan. Another part of planning is crisis management or contingency planning. This area deals with potential disasters that a company may face. They may be natural disasters or disasters within the company. Some companies will have crisis management team who deal specifically with these problems, which allows managers to continue to focus on their regular duties. New Belgium Brewery’s strategic plan is to have happy employee-owners who enjoy their job and work very hard to make this company profitable. They have and are continuing to achieve this with their tactical plan of making employees into owners, training workers to be financially literate, and by allowing employees access to the books. Since employees are given a share of the company after one year, they are treated like shareholders. They work with the owners, who listen to and consider all employee input into the operations. Because employees are shareholders, they work hard to make the company as successful as possible. Organizing involves structuring resources and activities in a way that accomplishes objectives efficiently and effectively. Managers will review plans and determine what activities are needed for implementing them. Work will be divided into smaller units and assigned to specific departments, individuals, or groups. Most of the time work is organized into teams that handle core processes, rather than constructing around traditional departments, such as marketing and production. Organizing helps create synergy, which means the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Organization also establishes lines of authority, improves communication, helps avoid reproduction of resources, and helps improve competitiveness by speeding up the decision making process. New Belgium Brewery is divided into departments that focus on certain areas of the company. However, unlike most businesses, the departments at New Belgium are not divided into a hierarchy of people with  more power and authority than those below them. The staff in each department work together at the same level and do not need to report to any managers. This gives employees the power to apply any needed changes in the company without waiting for the approval of a manager. Staffing involves hiring enough of and the right kind of people to carry out the work of the organization. Managers must determine what skills are needed for specific jobs and must recruit accordingly. Managers must determine how to motivate and train employees, how much to pay employees, what benefits should be provided, and how to prepare employees for potential higher-level jobs in the organization. Staffing also involves downsizing, which is the elimination of a large number of people from an organization. New Belgium focuses on hiring people who fit the culture of their company. Staff need to be willing to learn, willing to work hard, and need the people skills to get along with other people in the company. Also, New Belgium makes employees wait a year before giving them a share in their organization. This gives the owners time to make sure that an employee will fit well with their company and also tests their loyalty. Directing involves motivating and leading employees to achieve an organization’s objectives. Employers may motivate employees to do a good job with incentives, such as promotions or pay raises. However, most employees want more than money. Workers want to know that their ideas and input are of value to their employer. Smart managers know to involve their employees in company decision making processes as often as possible. This inclusion makes workers feel more important and better about their job, which greatly benefits the organization. New Belgium’s way of directing and motivating their employees is giving them shares in the company and making them employee-owners. Since staff are shareholders, they are a big part of decision making processes. Also, the incentive of owning a share in the company has employees trying to steer the company in a positive direction, so that they reap the benefits along with Jeff and Kim. Controlling involves evaluating and correcting the activities of an organization in order to keep them on course. This involves five activities: 1.Measuring performance 2.Comparing present performance with standards or objectives 3.Identifying deviations from the standards 4.Investigating the causes of deviations 5.Taking corrective action when necessary Controlling is closely related to planning. Planning establishes the goals and standards of an organization, controlling compares present performance with those goals and standards in order to determine whether or not performance is on target. When performance is not keeping up with the company’s expectations, employers must determine why that is and come up with a way to get back on track. Because employees at New Belgium do not have managers, and they all work at the same level, they can immediately implement any changes that may deviate the company from their desired course of action. Sources †¢ †¢ †¢

Friday, January 10, 2020

Buying Topics for Expository Essay on Air Test

Buying Topics for Expository Essay on Air Test The Ultimate Topics for Expository Essay on Air Test Trick Every possession is currently a status symbol. To begin with, a brief explanation of the game needs to be written. From its name, you might guess you ought to have a crystal clear picture of a particular thing so as to supply your reader with a crystal clear and concise explanation. Hurry up to complete an essay order form at the website and forget about worries! While the world wide web has a massive collection of advantages, it has some downsides too. Therefore, it's better to prevent websites where people are absolutely free to add and alter info free of reliability checks. If an individual feels enthusiastic about something, they'll be prepared to devote much time building a research and will achieve success. The issue is we speak various languages not only when it comes to ethnic groups but regarding the way every individual sees the world. The New Fuss About Topics for Expository Essay on Air Test Following are a couple expository essay topics that may be given to students, as a portion of their assignments. Actually, giving a sample in your essay may be practical learning experience, and whenever your teacher grades you, you're know precisely where you went wrong which prospective employers aren't likely to inform you about. Write a nice introduction and you're off to a very good start. In addition, you can capture reader attention with the aid of funny essay topics. There are dozens and dozens of compelling topics out there which can be meticulously explored, but choosing one that you're interested in would help it become a small bit easier and more fun. If you decide on one of these topics, you will certainly succeed to draw the interest of your audience only because they involve the latest discussion topics. Put simply, it's a guide on the best way to do something. The main aim of topic choice for a proposal essay is to demonstrate the idea can be put into place in practice. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you should demonstrate your analytical skills. The important consideration to bear in mind is these expository essays are based on facts as opposed to the writer's beliefs or feelings. Each expository essay is going to have definite objective. It is possible to also bring the facet of globalization into play over here. An introduction is easily the most significant part your bit of writing. Cue words utilized within this sort of writing include, as an example, the features or characteristics are. The language ought to be pleasing and should be able to convince the reader. Your reader will observe all details throughout the prism of your ideology. It is vital to pay exclusive attention to the opening sentence. 1 great suggestion to take is to choose one that you're deeply interested in. Give a precise definition to an issue and offer readers with a potential solution. When you're assigned to compose an expository essay, the very first thing you will have to know is the way to write it. Locate the trustworthy information for the essay topic you will work on. Then the next step is going to be to find out more about the expository essay structure. You may always take a look at expository essay examples and have a better comprehension of how the entire writing process is about. Without an essay outline, it would be hard to recall the necessary sections, arguments, logical stream of essay, and general structure. You may always review expository essay examples and learn to connect your paragraphs. Typically, each paragraph must be several sentences long and, and it's especially critical for the brief expository essay. Your very first paragraph should also incorporate a very clear and defined thesis statement. A wide variety of expository essay examples have the exact same capabilities. Creating an effective essay of this kind may appear to be a more challenging task in contrast to other essays. Explain the reason it is helpful to organize your materials and activities. Describe the upcoming great invention.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Truman Show By Peter Weir Essay - 1236 Words

The Truman Show (1998), directed by Peter Weir portrayed a grand metaphor for American culture in the 90’s. The movie’s message to us is that we are stuck in a media landscape full of fantasies that is catered to the interests of more powerful people. If we want to live an authentic life and be free, we should put distance between ourselves and the comfort that is our media filled culture. We have to leave the safety that is the media’s grasp and be willing to live in the world the way it actually is. In the 1990’s, television culture in particular was in full swing. Television is such a powerful tool as it has the potential to heavily influence our mindsets on topics. The Truman Show showed us an exaggerated reality of 90’s culture through a utopian/dystopian society in which morals are put aside for the purpose of a television show. Since its inception in the 1950s, television has become an integral part of American society. Television has always been a means of entertainment, but it has developed into something further. Television is a tool that can reflect and nurture values and morals. Throughout the years, television and our society have had a symbiotic relationship. Our culture influenced television, while television influenced our society. When The Truman Show came out, it embodied our media culture from the past, but it also predicted what was to come after the movie was released. When television networks first came on the scene, they consciously stayed clear fromShow MoreRelatedThe Truman Show By Peter Weir2021 Words   |  9 Pagesforce Utopia have failed, falling prey to the complications of people’s personal desires. The Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir, tells us the story of The Truman Show, an elaborate reality show built around the control of one man’s life. 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Image is everything in today’s societyRead MoreAnimal Farm And The Truman Show Analysis1341 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel ‘animal farm’ and the film ‘the Truman show’ George Orwell and Peter weir talk about how power, utopian societies, and the good life are relevant to the narratives. In these film/novel. In Animal Farm/ Truman show power can be used in many ways good or bad, but if you have too much of it you can use the power you have in many bad ways. The good life is demonstrated as the place where everyone works together and can achieve their goals in life. These novel/films have made it clear thatRead MoreSimilarities Between The Truman Show And Animal Farm965 Words   |  4 PagesThe texts Animal Farm by George Orwell and The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir examine the ideas of power, the good life and utopia. In the novel Animal Farm, Orwell narrates the progression of animals engaging in a rebellion against their owner, who mistreats them. In the Film, the Truman show, Weir chronicles the progressive advancement of Truman’s freedom, for the reason that he is trapped in a fantasy world. Both Orwell and Weir address the two texts in a similar way. The passages correspondinglyRead MoreSimilarities Between The Truman Show And Animal Farm1219 Words   |  5 PagesOrwell) and ‘The Truman Show’ (directed by Peter Weir), the author and director explore these themes. Power and control, the good life, utopia. These three themes are key to living the full life. To have a utopia you must have a good life and to have a good life you must have your own power and your own control. One cannot have good life if there is no freedom involved in that life. If they do not have the option to choose their life will not be ‘good’. In ‘The Truman Show’, Peter Weir, portrays theRead MoreTruman Show + Related Material1217 Words   |  5 PagesPeter weir’s film â€Å"The Truman show† visually communicates his concerns about the power of the media and the impact it has on society and individuals, through the use of many techniques the composer attempts to engage and inform their audience about how through its manipulations the media affects society and individuals. Victor Kelleher uses manipulation of the visual to communicate ideas about his novel â€Å"The Ivory Trail† through the book cover. Peter Weir’s film he Truman show is about how TrumanRead MoreBrave New World by Aldous Huxley1093 Words   |  4 Pagesproduction The Truman Show by Peter Weir and Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World. In each media, the society depicted seemed outwardly perfect, and the citizens were content. The individuals remained content through complete government control. With every society’s strength is a weakness, interestingly enough, the Achilles’ heel of both perfect societies is totalitarianism and social conditioning. The fact of the matter is that not everyone will be the standard. The Truman Show is a 24/7 recordingRead MoreTruman Show Character Development1094 Words   |  5 PagesIn the film, Truman Show by Peter Weir, the director used a variety of visual and verbal techniques to develop the character Truman Burbank. Wier used the movement of actors, dialogue, props and symbolism to show how Truman progressed from being a typical all-American guy to a courageous man who s willing to face his fears to break free from the chains that binds him to his creator. Truman Burbank is a star of his own show- The Truman Show- and everybody knows except him. He lives in theRead MoreAnimal Farm Vs Animal Farm Essay1319 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel the Animal Farm and in the film The Truman show, both authors try to paint a picture of what utopia and a good life demonstrates through these two texts. If a good life is wanted then the animals need to work together to achieve their goal and truman needs to find out what is the real truth for him. The Truman Show and Animal Farm both try to convey what utopia would look like in our world by showing a false sense of what the world seems to be. Power and control is a huge theme in theRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1787 Words   |  8 Pagessocial media. The Truman Show alludes the society in which compliance is forced, due to the media’s overwhelming control over the general public; and argues that there is no actual media control can be broken free from, because it is a person’s choice to seek their own path to freedom. This theme is illustrated through the symbolism of the characters of Christof, Truman’s Wife Meryl, and Truman. The claim is supported by the articles that include, 13 ways of looking at The Truman Show by Yacowar , Mapping